Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Midnight In The Garden Of Pumpkin And Squash

[Ed. Note: Moved from personal blog due to content.]

It's still nearly three hours until The Great Pumpkin should be arriving, but as always it's getting cold, and boring, and a little bit lonely here in the pumpkin patch. I've been having blog troubles recently, not so much with writing as with not writing. Well, and finishing... that's kind of a bitch too. I wish there was some way I could publish a post in beta. Of course, with no readers it doesn't much matter what I post, let alone whether I post. On the other hand, I kind of expect that sooner or later, I'll pick up a few regulars. I can't possibly be the only person who uses Google Reader to stalk my friends and idols... and if I am the only one, I'm about half-way through writing a primer on setting it up for yourself.

I can't be expected to finish any of these things until at least this weekend, however, as I have to stop writing every 10 to 15 minutes so I can play with my new toy. The Pearl is pretty -- too damned pretty, according to this article by Jack Kapica in The Globe And Mail, which suggests that if I was a Real Man I'd buy a RAZR. And perhaps he's right, because I haven't shaved in days. Not to mention the fact that some very sexy, very rich little girls have been shot while holding lately.

However, I think this picture of my k-rad case mod should prove that I'm at least a Real Nerd. It seems that my new toy is so much smaller than the old one that it slides right past the sensor. However, through painstaking moments of looking around on my desk, I discovered that the cap from a Sanford Uni-Gel Medium (seen here in stylish red Crimson Dash) is the perfect size to trigger the sensor. And they thought they could make me buy a new case? I feel all MacGyver, like I should send this in to the MAKE blog or something. Probably soon, before the Pearl slides out of this oversized case and I never see it again.

I had written a review of Performancing v1.3, which is a Firefox extension designed to make blogging easier. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of using the software to review itself and once it became aware that my opinion was somewhat luke-warm it promptly deleted the post. Prior to hating it with a passion, however, I truly didn't think it was all bad. My problems are almost certainly because I'm using Blogger beta, and a dev build of Performancing that was designed to work with the beta but has not been fully tested. I'll probably check it out again once the Blogger changes stabilize.

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